Courtney introduces Episode 2 with help from Shirley the Frog!! The songs from this episode include Clap Your Hands with Courtney The Bapa Nama kinship song from Yirrkala FaFT Emily Wurramurra singing the ABC song Counting with Ali the Owl A day-in-the-life of a toddler at Yuendumu FaFT. Read a Book featuring the parents and children from… Continue reading EPISODE 2
Author: admin
Come and follow the Playful Stars and Shirley the Frog as they show us the way. Gus is our host and songs include Jump, Wouldn’t You like to Fly, Wash Wash Wash Your Hands (Ludmilla FaFT), Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Warlpiri (Yuendumu FaFT) and the ABC song sung by Emily Wurramurra. In Story-Time, Larrakia… Continue reading EPISODE 1